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Young girl outside in a wheelchair with carer or family member

 Education Health & Care Plans (EHCPs) 

Understanding the role of an Education Health & Care Plan (EHCP).
This section is broken down into sub sections to explain the role of EHCPs so that parents and carers know what to expect from this legal document and understand the support available. 

You are in Education & schools > Education & Health Care Plans - EHCPs (this page)
Other useful areas in this section:


 What is SEND? 

Two people outside together

 Education Health Care    Plans (EHCPs) 

Girls in School Uniform

 School admissions 

Children at School

 Schools in    Northumberland 


 Support for children    with SEND in schools 

Student packing their backpack

 Transition - Moving on 


 School exclusions 

Homework Help

 Elective home education 

Teacher and Student

 Services who offer    support 

school child in taxi

 School transport 

 Education other than at    school (EOTAS) 

Education Health & Care Plans explained

Child Psycholgist

 About EHCPs 

Support Group_edited.png

 Northumberland    Information, Advice &    Support Service (NIASS) 

Experts Panel

 Right to appeal and    tribunal  

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