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 Support for children with additional needs and/or SEND in Early Years settings 

Find out what Early Years Settings must do to support a child with additional needs and/or SEND.​
This includes cycles of support, reviews, adjustments and communication with parents and carers - all with the aim of providing effective support and enabling children to make good progress and reach their full potential. 

Support for children with additional needs ​
and/or SEND in Early Years settings

Support for children with additional needs and/or SEND in Early Years Settings​

Young children with additional needs and/or SEND in Northumberland, will be able to have their needs met in inclusive and child-centred Early Years Settings. This includes Early Years provision in schools, Childminders, Pre-Schools and Nurseries.​

Early Years Settings are expected to: ​

  • Have a designated person responsible for coordinating SEND (SENCo)​

  • Make reasonable adjustments to support all young children to engage in effective learning activities​

  • Identify barriers to learning or special educational needs ​

  • Carry out cycles of support for young children with additional needs and/or SEND - this is called the Graduated Approach ​

  • Work with parents and carers to carry out and share progress against cycles of support​​


Cycles of support will be led by the child's Key Person and/or the setting's SENCo. They will follow four stages of assess, plan, do and review. ​

Over time, the cycles may be adjusted and repeated with the aim of supporting the young child to make good progress. If concerns about progress continue, despite appropriate support being provided, more specialist support will be put in place.​

Click here to view the Northumberland’s guidance on the SEN Register, SEN Support and requesting EHC needs assessment (COSA).

If your child has been receiving additional support at the Early Years Setting for a while but is not making progress, and you or the setting identify that your child may have a long-term need, the setting or you as a parent or carer may consider requesting that the local authority carries out an Education, Health and Care (EHC) needs assessment.  ​

For further information about the actions Early Years Settings should take to meet their duties in relation to identifying and supporting all children with special educational needs (SEN), whether or not they have an Education, Health and Care (EHC) plan, click here to see Chapter 5 of the SEND Code of Practice 2015.

Reasonable adjustments you can expect from your Early Years Setting:​

Early Years Settings have a duty to make reasonable adjustments - this means that they are required to take positive steps to ensure that children with additional needs and/or SEND are able to access their Early Years funded educational entitlement and that they can enjoy and benefit from the full-range of learning experiences and activities that the Early Years Setting provides.​

As a parent or carer you can expect:​

  • To be involved in planning the learning and additional support your child needs​

  • The Early Years Setting to share the plan that they have in place to help your child if they need additional support​

  • The Early Years Setting to meet regularly with you so you have the opportunity to discuss how your child is doing and agree any further actions that will need to be put in place to ensure your child continues to make progress​

  • The Early Years Setting to work closely with professionals already involved with your child such as your child's health visitor​

  • The Early Years Setting to make any necessary referrals to other professionals whose advice and expertise might be needed to further support your child​

Statutory 2-year old progress review

If your child accesses an Early Years Setting when they are age two, you can also expect to be involved in their Statutory Two Year Old Progress Check. This should take place as close to the child's 2nd birthday as possible. The Early Years Setting will complete assessments to establish if your child is on track for their age within the Three Prime Areas of the Statutory Early Years Foundation Stage. At the time of the Two Year Old Progress Check, the Early Years Setting should give you the opportunity to share what your child is like at home. If there are concerns about your child's learning and development as a result of the check, the Early Years Setting will work with you, your child's health visitor and any other necessary professionals to agree the actions you will all take which should help your child to make good progress.​

For more information about the Integrated 2 Year Old Review process, please click here to see a flowchart​.

Northumberland Early Years Ordinarily Available Provision Guidance​

OAP guidance leaflet front cover image

The Early Years Ordinarily Available Provision Guidance document explains to settings, families, and other practitioners, what should be in place in Early Years Settings (schools, PVI settings and childminders) for all young children, including those with SEND. Parents and carers can also click on links in the guidance to see what activities they can do at home to support their child. Download the guide by clicking here or on the front cover image.


 What is SEND? 

Stacking Blocks

 Services who offer SEND 

Happy Girl_edited_edited.jpg

 Early Years and childcare settings in 

Two people outside together

 Education Health Care Plans 

Serious Child

 Help with childcare costs and additional funding for children with SEND 

Student packing their backpack

 Transition (Moving on) 

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