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 Education, employment and training 

There are many options open to young people as they grow up and leave school, including staying on at school, apprenticeships and more.

This page helps to explore education and training options open to young people as they make decisions about growing up and leaving school.

Education, employment and training

The transition meeting and transition plan a young person completes at school will help them to decide what education, training or employment would suit them after leaving school.


This could include:

  • Staying on at school (if the school has sixth form)

  • Going to a college

  • Starting an apprenticeship

  • Going on a traineeship

  • Going to another independent school or college

  • Going on a supported internship

  • Volunteering opportunities


As a young person gets ready to leave school, the school will help them to look at the different options. Colleges might invite young people to come for the day and see if they like it.


If a young person is worried about moving on from school, it’s good to talk to teachers or

head of year who can support and offer advice and guidance. The careers advisor may also be able to help support young people without an EHCP in year 11 who need extra help to access education, employment or training.


Most colleges will offer extra support for students with disabilities or additional needs. It is best to apply early to give the college time to arrange the extra support. If the young person is on an Education, Health and Care Plan, they will be able to discuss choices with your careers adviser.


Transport to and from school

Just because a young person used transport to and from school before, does not automatically mean they will get transport when they are 16. When a young person reaches 14, it is a good idea to start to think about how to get to school or college more independently.


For more information about school transport, click here.


Money for going to college

Depending on the young person's situation, they may be entitled to help with the cost of college. Speak to the college or a careers advisor about this to find out more information about eligibility. Most colleges are free for young people to access until the age of 19 years.


About adult education and supported internships

Find out more below about adult education and training opportunities locally, as well as supported internships.

Learners at college

 Adult education 

Supported Intern working in garden centre.jpeg

 Supported Internships 

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Other useful areas in this section:

Teacher and Student

 Choices and planning 

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 Staying healthy and well 

teenage girl travelling independently on the bus

 Independent travel 


Young person in a house

 Independent living and 


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 Friendships and    relationships 

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