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Modern Education Center

 Preparing for adulthood 

This information is to help young people and their family or carers plan for the future and prepare for adulthood. This section can help your son or daughter to become more confident and develop their independence as they become an adult.

In Northumberland, we are committed to supporting children and young people with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND) to live their best life. 


In preparing children and young people for adulthood, we will ensure they are able to:

  • have choice and control over their lives and support

  • live independently and have housing options

  • stay healthy and well

  • form friendships, relationships and be included in the local community

  • access employment and volunteering opportunities 

Explore these core areas of preparing for adulthood in the sections below.


 Education, employment 

 and training 

Students Sitting on Staircase

 Friendships and    relationships 

Teacher and Student

 Choices and planning 

Rearview of a Girl Soccer Player

 Staying healthy and well 

teenage girl travelling independently on the bus

 Independent travel 


Young person in a house

 Independent living and 


Other useful links


 Information, advice and   support 

Woman in Wheelchair at Beach


Man on Mobile Phone

 Have your say 

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