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Two young adults in a social worker's office

 Social Work Teams 

Defining who the Social Work Team are, what they do and where they are located.

This page explains the support available from the local Social Work Teams and how to access it.

Local Social Work Teams

This page explains the support available from the local Social Work Teams and how to access it.  

What we do 

  • Keep children safe, predominantly where there are concerns around safeguarding or the welfare of a child

  • Assess Need - by placing parents, children and everyone naturally connected to the child at the centre of the assessment, and by making decisions and undertaking planning through the Signs of Safety approach

  • If during this assessment it is identified that your child has SEN we can advise, signpost or work with families and other professionals to meet the needs of the child. Our Social Workers contribute towards EHCP for young people and attend EHCP yearly reviews where these plans are in place


Who we are

  • First Contact, including the Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub, social work and early help first point of contact, based in Bedlington but covering the whole county

  • North Locality Team, based in Berwick

  • Central Locality Team, based in Bedlington

  • South East Locality Team, based in Blyth

  • West Locality Team, based in Hexham

How to contact us 

You are in Social CareSocial Work teams (this page)
Other useful areas in this section:

Sad children

 Are you worried about   a child or young   person's safety? 

Kids at school

 Early Help Teams 

Shaking Hands in the Office

 Social Care SEND    Coordinators 

Paraplegic Sporting Event

 Disabled Children's   Team (DCT) 

College Recreation

 Northumberland    Adolescent Services 


 Moving to Adult Social   Care 

Young teen painting at desk

 Short breaks 

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